As a member of the United Methodist Church, we are a part of a family of churches (around the world!) that all have the same mission:

Making disciples in the ways of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

A bit wordy - we know. That's why sometimes we just say that our mission is simply: transforming the world in the ways of Christ.

While our church and many other churches have this same mission (or a variation of it) we believe that our vision is unique to this community and the story we are continuing to tell. "Vision" is all about how we see this mission unfolding right here and now. 

Like anyone's vision - it changes with time. How we saw mission unfolding in 1980 was different than how we see it now - and yet there's still a long story being told here. 

This story is about a community of people in the Eastside who are striving to be faithful to the idea that the way of Christ can change lives and our world. 

We've seen it happen. And this is why we still continue to meet. 

To keep telling the story - that God is not done yet!

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