
Looking for something? 

Here's a collection of some of the different resources that have been shared recently during Sunday gatherings. Don't see what you're looking for? Let us know!


"How Should We Pray?" - July 28, 2019

The Lord's Prayer Theological Survey

"Walking In Wonder: The Poetry of John O' Donohue" - Sept. 22, 2019

Poem - "For Longing" by John O' Donohue

Poem - "For a New Beginning" by John O' Donohue

"A Wild & Precious Life": The Poetry of Mary Oliver" - Sept. 29, 2019

Poem - "The Summer Day" by Mary Oliver  

Poem - "In Blackwater Woods" by Mary Oliver

Poem - "Don't Hesitate" by Mary Oliver

Poem - "Logos" by Mary Oliver

"I Am Praying Again": The Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke" - Oct. 6, 2019

Poem - "God Speaks" by Rainer Maria Rilke

Poem - "I Am Too Alone" by Rainer Maria Rilke

Poem - "I Live My Life" by Rainer Maria Rilke

Poem - "I Am Praying Again, O Awesome One" by Rainer Maria Rilke

Sexuality & the Bible Workshop (Pride Sunday) - June 29, 2019

Gender Unicorn

10 Pro-LGBTQ Scriptures

The Bible Doesn’t Say That Homosexuality is a Sin

Reconciling FAQs

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2023 Program

Transgender Day of Remembrance 2024 Program

UMC Apportionment Information

Apportionments Letter to the PNW United Methodist District Office

Apportionment FAQs

Apportioned Funds